#Lurking – Wormtail lurked in the shadows, keeping an close eye on the boy he had observed for nearly three years. Peter knew he might be outed soon unless he did something drastic. For 12 years his life though hidden had been at peace. Weasely’s were poor but he never went hungry and always had a roof over his head…but now all this was being threatened an ugly ginger cat…he had been caught and the stupid animal was all but ready to expose him. He moved in a little closer but made sure he kept his distance, he couldn’t risk being spotted by the shaggy dog who knew him all to well. It might have been over a decade but for Sirius time had stood still, he just couldn’t let go of the night when he had lost it all and yet he was here close to the boy – the reason for all this trouble…He moved in a little closer but kept himself in the shadows…the boy was not a threat but he was the source of all things that had gone wrong… Peter knew he just couldn’t sit still and had to do something…and with that thought he in moved closer…

#35mm2HD explaining pics via #storyboard –
#PeterPittegrew #Funkopop